MOM Helpers Cloud Limited Time Offer, SAVE $500 |
If you sign up for the MOM Helpers Cloud in February of 2015, the MOM Helpers Annual Client Membership (ACM) --normally $500 per year, is FREE -- for as long as you are on the MOM Helpers Cloud. |
How does MOM Helpers Annual Client Membership Benefit and Save? |
Supports all versions of Dydacomp's M.O.M. Exclusive direct access to high level technical resources Pay for services only when you need them Fixed hourly rate guaranteed for the year with your membership Top priority to your calls, emails, questions and concerns Available during and after regular business hours and weekends |
How does the MOM Helpers Cloud Create Success for Your Business? |
Optimizes all versions of Dydacomp's M.O.M.* Reduces IT Labor costs by 50% Decreases SQL Server, Server, and Workstation Costs by 60% Increases security of your data by 99.99%* Speeds system performance by 3-to-5 times local speed Eliminates Risks of Catastrophic Data loss by 99.99%* Flexibility and business agility are distinct benefits of the MOM Helpers Cloud |
(*) MOM Helpers Cloud does not host the SQL Express version. SQL Server Express was designed as a test platform for developers and small application development. SQL Server Express is not recommended for ERP or CRM applications or enterprise applications. SQL Server Express limits M.O.M.'s growth, performance, optimization, security, backup and more! |
Whether you are on a current version of Dydacomp's M.O.M. or have an older version that is not supported by Dydacomp, call MOM Helpers. We're here. We help. |
Focus on your business. Optimize M.O.M.. |
Take control of Dydacomp's M.O.M. and become a MOM Helpers Client today. |
Call 877-927-1689 or 941-404-6441 today. |