Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mail Order Manager Helpers /MOM Helpers - Amazon Integration

MOM Helpers offers Integrated MOM and Amazon

A.  Unshipped Order Report
- Preview Amazon Orders
- Edit Orders before creating MOM Import
- Confirm proper Name  and other automation
- Maintain mulitple Amazon SKUs easily
- Works for single and multiple store users

B. Upload Amazon Shipment Confirmation
- Automation makes it simple to manage

No need to upgrade to a newer version of MOM. 

To learn more, call Mail Order Manager Helpers, Inc. (941) 404-6441 or visit www.momhelpers.com and view our case studies.

Mail Order Manager Helpers, Inc. /dba MOM Helpers is not affiliated or associated with Dydacomp® Development Corp which is the manufacturer of the Multichannel Order Manager, MailOrder Manager®, M.O.M.® brand of software.